Renewables on the Rise

Reading time: 2 minutes

This comprehensive report draws on the best available, most recent research, and aims to support NGOs to develop lobbying positions on climate and energy policy that can effectively influence governments at the national and regional level. Based on a literature review of thousands of pages of research published since 2011, the paper provides a rapid assessment of energy policy options for West Africa.

The chapters of this report deal with global energy policies, local job markets, the cost of solar versus the cost of coal power plants, and it analyses subsidies for fossil and renewable energies.

The report contains more than 20 info graphics, which can be used as pull-outs to support the work of NGOs and interested experts. The annex and accompanying reading materials provide additional information on issues ranging from climate change to the cost of nuclear power. All materials are meant to be used, printed and quoted freely. The report wants to be a tool for sharing knowledge and ideas on a sustainable, gender sensitive energy future for West African countries.

Please contact if you wish to receive hard copies of the report, or if you need the high resolution version of the e-report.

Renewables on the Rise - Download the report

Reading materials on the Energy Transition in West Africa - click here

Info graphics (high resolution) – for printing and electronic use by NGOs and interested parties - click here