Homeownership or renting a decent accommodation has become exorbitantly expensive in Lagos over the past decade, getting out of the reach of moderate and low-income earners. In extensive deliberations with civil society and the private real estate sector, Arctic Infrastructure and the Heinrich Böll Foundation Abuja office identified mixed-income housing as one of the pillars of a socially inclusive strategy towards affordable and decent housing for all in Lagos. This strategy would require private housing development projects of a certain size to allocate at least 15% of their housing units to moderate and low-income earners organized in trade associations or housing cooperatives.  Among these low-income earners, special preference would be given to single mothers, widows, the elderly and people living with disabilities. This way, not only would the number of decent moderate and low-income housing units increase, but the mixed-income housing model would also contribute towards building cohesive and safe neighborhoods which cannot easily degenerate into slums. Furthermore, developers and the government would be required to ensure that public amenities like primary schools, healthcare clinics, or open fresh-food markets are within walking distance from the estate.

A draft bill has been developed to put such a mixed-income housing model into law in Lagos. A campaign is underway to create awareness for this draft bill, to seek contributions and ideas from the public, and to finally introduce it to the Lagos State House of Assembly for deliberation.  

See more information below. We would be happy to read and discuss your comments, suggestions, or opinions.

A Solution to the Housing Crisis in Lagos?

A Solution to the Housing Crisis in Lagos? - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

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The housing deficit in Lagos sits at over 3 million, at the same time housing is getting more expensive and out of reach to the low and medium-income earners. This video explains a bill proposal, widely practiced in some of the most livable cities in the world, which could potentially decimate the housing deficit in Lagos and provide decent and affordable living for all income classes.

Mixed-Income Housing Draft Bill Proposal

This Draft Bill was prepared with support from the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Abuja Nigeria and Arctic Infrastructure, Lagos, Nigeria.

Download the Draft Bill Proposal