Kelechi Udegbe, a budding Nigerian actor in the city of Lagos, features in this 6 part documentary drama series where he weighs his option of finding a suitable accommodation within his budget, thereby sparking a debate about new ways of accessing affordable accommodation and about the equitability of housing policies of Lagos State.

Access to affordable housing is one of the major challenges for prospering cities around the world, with Lagos being no exception. In Lagos, the issue is mostly discussed from the perspective of slum upgrading; due to the explosion of land prices in recent years, meanwhile, accommodation has also become a luxury for young people starting their family life, for civil servants responsible for running the city, for bus drivers, nurses etc.
This documentary drama in six episodes directed by Deji Akinpelu features Kelechi Udegbe weighing different options as a young professional to find suitable accommodation. Experts interviewed in the different episodes discuss possibilities of controlling housing prices by reducing land speculation via taxation of unused land, assigning public land to housing cooperatives rather than to profit making developers, mandating developers to dedicate a certain percentage of the units to low income earners and much more.
Watch here the videos.
Read here the report about achieving mixed and integrative housing in Lagos.
Episode 1 - Adequacy of government housing projects:
Episode 2 - Challenges of waterfront housing in Lagos:
Episode 3 - Mixed housing development.Why not?:
Episode 4 - Housing prospects in new towns in Lagos:
Episode 5 - Finance models for home ownership:
Episode 6 – Is home ownership a must: