It is widely expected that Lagos will soon become the largest city on the African continent. Being a melting pot of numerous Nigerian and West African identities, cultures and religions, this megacity has been offering millions of people dreams and hopes for a more prosperous future.

Our aim is to drive debates and ideas for a sustainable and equitable Lagos - so that Lagos will be called not only the biggest but also one of the most livable cities in Africa.

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Recent Articles
Moving Lagos – The Blue Metro Line
Public transport in Lagos is characterised by informal minibuses and the Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) system, a public-private partnership introduced in 2008. As an answer to the increasing pressure on the city’s limited space for road transport, Lagos State Government opened the first line of a metro rail system in September 2023 as a new era of mass passenger transport. This study examines whether the “Blue Line” has been able to realise government’s promise of a cost-effective and sustainable means of transport.
Flaneuse Cover photo

Flaneuse - Envisioning a City for All

This Publication, commissioned by HBS Abuja office and actualized by Lagos Urban Development Initiatives, seeks to encourage readers to drive a public conversation about the potential of ignored citizens from all spheres, to re-imagine their city, and to effect equitable changes that will be inclusive and benefit of all.
Resilience Plan Cover Page

Ajegunle-Ikorodu Community Resilience Action Plan

The University of Lagos Centre for Housing Sustainable Development supported by Heinrich Böll Stiftung Nigeria partnered with community members to prepare this Resilience Action Plan for the Ajegunle-Ikorodu community in Lagos to prevent, anticipate and respond to shocks and stresses from both natural and man-made occurrences.

Kelechi's Quest: A Docu-Drama Series

Kelechi Udegbe, a budding Nigerian actor in the city of Lagos, features in this 6 part documentary drama series where he weighs his options of finding a suitable accommodation within his budget, thereby sparking a debate about new ways of accessing affordable accommodation and about the equitability of housing policies of Lagos State.

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