Nigeria's 2023 Elections: Will the Youths Have their Say?
Nigeria is approaching its seventh consecutive election since the return to democracy in 1999, marking 24 years of uninterrupted democratic rule. This is the longest such period in the country’s history and reason to celebrate. However, times are turbulent. As social and economic challenges mount, many young Nigerians are determined to have their say in the country’s future.

Spoken Word - In Another Story
This spoken word piece by Loveth Liberty explores how the rise of Nigeria's youth at the polls could inspire 'another story', a hopeful new beginning in Nigeria's democratic history.
IN ANOTHER STORY - Spoken Word Piece by Loveth Liberty - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

The Update
A Podcast Series
Getting Involved at the Primary Level | THE UPDATE EPISODE 1(with Ferdinand Adimefe) - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

In this episode, Andy Madaki and Aniekan Ani-Ezekiel speak to Ferdinand Adimefe, ANN House of Representative Candidate Eti Osa, 2019. They discuss youth involvement in the political process and challenges young politicians face in the run up to an election.
Women Participation in Politics | THE UPDATE EPISODE 3 (with Khadijah Abdullahi - Iya) - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

In this episode, Andy Madaki and Aniekan Ani-Ezekiel speak to Khadijah Abdullahi - Iya, the 2023 APGA Gubernatorial Candidate, on the state of women participation in Nigerian politics.
Women Representation in Nigerian Politics | THE UPDATE EPISODE 2 (with Aisha Augie) - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

Our hosts explore the possibility of increasing women representation in Nigerian politics with Aisha Augie and how best to make the space more gender inclusive.