Covid-19 Pandemic
Case study

Covid-19 Pandemic Case Study: Nigeria

Nigeria recorded its first official case of coronavirus on 27 February 2020. A citizen of Italy who had travelled from Europe to Lagos, Nigeria, is believed to have brought along the virus. Immediately after, a Nigerian who had come into contact with the index case also tested positive. The infection then spread rapidly and by the end of the sixth week after the initial case, had reached almost all 36 states in Nigeria.

The pandemic should not have taken Nigeria by surprise. Since the first human case of Covid-19 was discovered in Wuhan City, China, in early December 2019, the world has become more aware of the threat the virus posed as well as the ease of its spread. The World Health Organization almost immediately released guidelines to help countries stay safe, curtail the spread of the virus and ensure that the welfare of their citizens is guaranteed. Guidelines established by the WHO include protocols for social distancing, use of personal protective equipment, contact tracing, care for patients, required preventive

hygiene and patient isolation. Despite the efforts and the relatively late index case, the pandemic caught Nigeria unexpectedly and deeply challenged the country’s healthcare, policing and welfare systems.

Read all Covid-19 in the Global South case studies here.

Product details
Date of Publication
December 2020
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Washington, DC and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents

1. What Existing Domestic Challenges Are Being Amplified by the Pandemic? Which New Challenges Have Arisen Because of the Pandemic? 5

1.1 Accentuating the Healthcare Crisis

1.2 Policing the Lockdown and the Rise of Rights Abuses

1.3 Social Welfare Gaps

1.4 A New Wave of Corruption

2. What Is the Situation of the Health Sector?

3. How Does Your Country Trace Infections?

4. Will the Pandemic Have Lasting Political Effects?

5. Do You See Gender-related Effects?

6. How Could the Actions of the United States Be Helpful in Alleviating the Challenges Your Country Faces?

7. How Could the Actions of the European Union Be Helpful in Alleviating the Challenges Your Country Faces?

8. Which International Organisations Are Most Relevant for Your Country in This Situation and What Do You Expect of Them?