Huzi Ishaku Mshelia, author is a trained lawyer with orientation in energy and environmental matters. He is a Director of Clean Energy, an organization working on policy and legal issues in climate change, energy and environment and a partner in the law firm of Huzi & Associates. He works extensively on climate change related issues and is consulting for several local and international organizations including the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), UNDP, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Nigeria (hbs), Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth and the Federal Ministry of Environment. He has several papers and presentations, and has contributed to the development of many policy documents including the OECD’s Low Emission Development Strategies (LED): Technical, Institutional and Policy Lessons (2010) and United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development: what implications for Africa (2012). He currently serves as consultant on climate governance to the Nigerian Infrastructure Advisory Facility (NAIF-2), a DFID funded project seeking to build climate resilience into national infrastructural development. Mr. Mshelia also serves as member on some government committees including the Legal Committee of the National Council for Privatization, the National Committee on Torture and the Federal Ministry of Environment