Marshall Plan for Nigeria?

In 2017, Africa has gained unusual prominence – within and beyond the framework of the German G20 presidency. Three German initiatives highlight relationships with the African continent: the Ministry of Cooperation and Development’s “Marshall Plan With Africa”, the Ministry of Finance’s “Compact with Africa” and the Ministry for Economic Affair’s initiative “Pro! Africa”. Through its initiatives, Germany promises to support Africa in the development of its growth and development potential and thus curtail migration. But how many voices from Nigeria are being heard in the debate in Germany? This web dossier wants to highlight arguments for the “Development That Nigeria Wants” and transport these perspectives into the Africa debate currently taking place in Germany.
Marshall Plan with Nigeria Debate - Nnanna Ude - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

Power Infrastructure – At What Cost?
Nnanna Ude anchors the Infrastructure Policy Commission of Nigeria’s largest private sector network, the Nigerian Economic Summit Group. He notes that Nigeria has no national grid to rely on for development and asks, Does Nigeria need a grid? Should Germany, through the Marshall Plan or other collaboration, collaborate with the Nigerian private sector in de-risking investments into off-grid renewable solutions to solve its immediate power problems?
People Smart Mega Cities – Dr Taibat Lawanson - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

Not Like Dubai!
Dr Taibat Lawanson is Associate Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Lagos and has worked on the disconnect between Lagos State Government’s megacity vision and the reality of Lagosians’ daily needs for many years. She explains how a Marshall Plan could ensure the inclusion of everyone – irrespective of status, gender and ethnicity - in the development of a people-smart Lagos.

Inclusive Integrated Rural Economies – Soji Apampa - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

Inclusive Integrated Rural Economies
Soji Apampa heads the Business Innovation Facility in Abuja, which is identifying growth solutions from the bottom-up. He challenges the international cooperation community to allow concepts of growth to emanate from the beneficiary communities. How else would the milk production of herdsmen in Kaduna State have quadrupled, expanding the women’s value chain from milk to yoghurt, and giving their youth (and policy makers) a wholly new perspective to solve the perennial conflict between herdsmen and farmers?
Slavery - Colonialism - The Marshall Plan – Sen. Shehu Sani - Heinrich Böll Stiftung Abuja Office

Slavery - Colonialism - The Marshall Plan
Senator Shehu Sani has recently revived the claim for reparation payments from industrialized nations for damage caused during slavery. Sani expresses the view that although the era of slavery and colonialism is over, Africa is still not treated with respect and given equal opportunity to develop. In the development of a Marshall plan, the Senator believes that Africans need to be treated as equals, with respect and dignity.

Dr. Andrew Iloh, biodiversity expert:
We can inculcate the youth in this Marshall Plan through technology in agriculture
Donald Ikenna Ofoegbu, project coordinator, Heinrich Böll Foundation:
The Marshall Plan should help increase the skills of graduates in Nigeria

Yahaya Ahmed, Renewable Energy Entrepreneur:
Polluters have to pay and funds should be directed to renewable energy project which are sustainable
Tsema Okoye, Global Rights NGO:
Although there are great development ideas from the western world, Nigeria has to also look within for ideas to get us out of poverty