Imagine... oil & gas in 2030

Reading time: 2 minutes

Imagine… a clear night sky over the Niger Delta, without orange flames billowing from gas flaring. People gathering to talk about the day’s events under street lamps. No more noisy, dirty generators, candles or wood burning but 'plug-and-play' electricity all over Nigeria from small-scale renewable energy – from wind, solar, biomass generators – and from gas-power stations in the Delta.

Imagine... mining communities and gas host communities receiving a share of royalties anchored in the exploration deals… no more waiting for government derived hand-outs. Youth unemployment down to 10 per cent, with tens of thousands working in manufacturing of renewable technologies.

Imagine… the government transparently reporting how much crude oil, natural gas and electricity was produced, used or exported each month. The government regulating the petroleum sector without fixing prices and no officials involved in commodity trading. Well-trained Federal Inland Revenue Services staff rigorously applying a simplified petroleum tax regime and civil society monitoring the oil companies’ tax payments.

Imagine... international oil companies cleaning up old spills. The Ministry of Environment certifying each petroleum exploration company, petrochemical and power plants for their compliance with environmental and carbon-reduction standards.