Agricultural insurance for women farmers

‘’My village is missing ...God save us’’. This was a blackberry personal message put up by my blackberry contact Khalid with a display photo of what used to be his village. All I saw was water covered buildings, with only some roofs spared... Yusuf Haliru describes how agricultural insurance can help farmers protect their business.

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The women’s movement in Nigeria is as old as the Igbo Women's War of 1929 when women in the Eastern region turned against their warrant chiefs to protest against planned taxation and attempts to restrict their role in government. Since then, the movement has effected that a National Gender Policy be put in place, but there is still no effective legislation on violence against women or on affirmative action in the Nigerian parliament. Women’s representation in national parliament has dropped below 10 per cent, despite lip service being paid in party manifestos and international support to women candidates. hbs aims to strengthen gender rights by supporting a higher representation of women in state and national politics, and by speaking out against violence against women. We do that through training, publications and online communications in collaboration with activists and partner organisations.


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More articles on Gender

Gender & Climate Change Finance: Double Mainstreaming for Sustainable Development

As women and men have different adaptive and mitigative capabilities, the financing instruments and mechanisms committed to climate change activities in mitigation and adaption need to take these gender-differentiated impacts into account in funds design and operationalization as well as concrete project financing.

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Gender and Climate Change in Nigeria

Climate change is one of the most urgent issues of our time with widespread implications for the earth’s ecosystems and human development across sectors. Although gender equality and women’s empowerment are acknowledged pre-requisites for sustainable development, climate change policies neglect these important issues. The Heinrich Böll Foundation commissioned this study to assess the impact of climate change on local communities from a gender perspective as well as make recommendation on how to combat the local consequences (adaptation measures) using the relevant local institutions/agents which also needed to be identified.

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The Womens Convention in Nigeria

The discourse on the CEDAW Bill and controversy surrounding its passage has been on going for the past two years. Even though Nigeria has shown a sustained compliance with the provisions of Article 18 of the CEDAW Convention in submitting the statutory periodic reports, its failure to domesticate the Convention has remained a source of concern on the extent of its commitment to women’s rights protection.


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