Lagos Na Wa - Debunking Myths and Stereotypes Drama Series In this satire-drama series, Lepacious Bose debunks popular misconceptions in Lagos as she addresses decade-old myths and stereotypes that have oftentimes dominated urban development policies in the state.
Dispossess: Evictions for Development? Report Summary As Lagos pushes to become a 'world-class' city, gentrification increases with more low-income residents being displaced under the pretext of 'public interest'. This research summary explores how evicted victims are impacted and its implications on local trade and the Lagos economy. By Immaculata Abba
Lagos Urban Planning: Debunking Myths and Stereotypes This publication debunks a series myths and stereotypes that have dominated the debate on Lagos urban development for decades, and offers reflections on how to make the city more inclusive and climate resilient. pdf
Urban Planning Processes in Lagos: The Ways Forward In a series of discussion papers, partners of the Heinrich Böll Foundation give thought-provoking suggestions for an inclusive and climate-resilient city building to the Lagos State government, which are based on the findings of our research “Urban Planning Processes in Lagos”. Many of these ideas require low funding and could be implemented within a short time span with transparent and efficient cooperation between different stakeholders.
Urban Planning Processes in Lagos: The Ways Forward Dossier In a series of discussion papers, partners of the Heinrich Böll Foundation give thought-provoking suggestions to the Lagos State government for an inclusive and climate-resilient city building, which are based on the findings from our research “Urban Planning Processes in Lagos”.
Is the Lagos Tech Sector a Bubble? Innovation, creativity and financial power – Lagos has all the necessary ingredients for a thriving startup sector. Hackathons, boot camps and startup weeks regularly attract local and international participants. Ayodeji Rotinwa, a freelance journalist, asks himself whether these are signs for a healthy growth potential. By Ayodeji Rotinwa
In transiting to Africa’s model Megacity... Where is Lagos for everyday people? A modern city is a centre of opportunities for all – rich and poor – to reach their highest potentials, that is governed in an inclusive, collaborative and sustainable manner. Prof. Taibat Lawanson from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Dr. Ademola Omoegun from the Department of Architecture, University of Lagos aimed at understanding how affected people cope with the effects of government interventions for replacing informality with formal structures and how Lagos fares in embracing creative and innovative strategies of inclusive development initiated and implemented by the affected people. By Dr Taibat Lawanson and Dr Ademola Omoegun
Public Private Partnerships and the Informal Sector Lagos State government increasingly ventures into Public Private Partnerships to provide infrastructure in forms of roads, waste management, water supply; even complete residential and commercial “city” projects are outsourced. A very controversial development is the rebuilding of open markets by private developers disrupting decade old economic and social patterns in the informal sector By Gbenga Komolafe
The Working Poor in the Informal Sector and Their Contribution to the Urban Economy Market women and informal traders in Lagos contribute massively to the urban economy of the city; through payment of various taxes and levies but also through sustaining transport, construction, food and other sectors, even in times of deep recession. They contribute their share to the internally generated revenue and therefore should expect in return social services in form of local infrastructure, access to low interest credit etc.
Open City Lagos The publication “Open City Lagos”, a cooperation with Nsibidi Institute Lagos and Fabulous Urban Zurich, intends to initiate a public reflection and discourse on the characteristics of an “open city” where the co-existence of different social groups and the richness of cultural diversity come together to foster growth that is diverse, equitable, creative, sustainable and inclusive.